Why Do Basketball Players Wear Long Socks?
Basketball players wear long socks for enhanced performance, ankle support, and maximum cushioning.
Basketball involves a lot of movement such as jumping, running, and turning at high speeds. As a result, it takes a huge toll on a player’s feet. This is why is it’s important for basketball players to wear the right kind of socks. The right kind of basketball socks should provide good cushioning that provides comfort for the basketball player, be made of a good material that absorbs a lot of sweat, have the right ankle support, and improve performance.
Today, most basketball players wear over the calf socks. These long basketball socks are great because they provide a lot of benefits.
Click HERE to see the best socks for basketball.
Basketball Players Wear Long Socks To Enhance Performance
One of the reasons why basketball players wear long socks is because it is believed to improve performance. Specifically, long compression socks are known to have many benefits.
Long compression socks enhance performance by wrapping around the calf muscles to reduce excessive muscle movement. This can also minimize soft-tissue damage and help with muscles soreness and recovery.
Another benefit of long compression socks is that it can improve blood flow. For example, when a basketball player is running full court, strain is put on the calf muscles. However, if you are wearing long compression socks around the calf muscles, the compression can speed up the pumping action that squeezes blood toward the heart. This calf muscle pump speeds up the flow of oxygenated blood to working muscles. The more oxygen your muscles have, the better they will function.
Long socks that come up to the knee essentially give the calf an extra squeeze that helps pump blood to the heart Some of the lactic acid around the calf that builds up is removed as a result of the increased blood circulation. Lactic acid is known to cause soreness. Removal of the lactic acid causes the player’s muscles to be less tired and increase performance.
Different socks provide different levels of compression. Anyone interested in wearing compression socks can check the compression rating on the socks. A good rule of thumb is to start with the lowest rating and work your way up if you need more compression.
Wearing compression socks can also help reduce swelling in your feet and ankles. The compression causes the arteries in the legs to dilate, increasing oxygen saturation in those extremities. via NCBI
There are many studies and evidence that shows compression gear in general can enhance performance. These benefits include regulating temperature in the muscle, and improving endurance. Furthermore, the compression around the affected muscles helps control swelling and, through enhanced circulation, hastens the removal of cellular waste products. These effects known to improve performance slightly, but that’s enough reason for basketball players to wear compression gear. Any advantage a player can get while on the court is worth it.
Basketball Players Wear Long Socks For Ankle Support
Basketball players often wear long socks because it provides the necessary ankle support and stability needed to perform at a high level.
Long socks act a stabilizer for the ankle and this is important because basketball players are constantly making turns on high speed or constantly have to jump and land on their ankles. Not only will the player be able to reduce risk of injury but this will also reduce muscle fatigue. This is why it’s important for the sock to be comfortable and provide that support.
It’s also important to have the right basketball shoes. See the best basketball shoes for ankle support HERE.
Another important feature that a basketball sock, must have is the moisture wicking power. Basketball players often sweat, which means huge amount of sweat will build up on the sock. It’s important that socks are made up of the fabric that holds the sweat. The right socks will make the players comfortable and the feet will remain dry and clean. There will also be no risk of developing fungal infections or secreting a foul smell.
The perfect basketball sock should have extra padding in key areas like the heel and the ankles, which acts to protect the feet as basketball players cut and slide their feet. The socks should also not just be ankle length but higher and at the same time, should have such a great grip so that they don’t slide down while running since this can causes problem if the fit isn’t right.
The material is also important. Long socks are made of soft fabric that is reinforced to pad certain areas without sacrificing comfort or motion. So basketball players are able to maneuver without discomfort.
Footwork is a fundamental skill in basketball so having socks that provide great support is crucial.
Basketball Players Wear Long Socks for Maximum Cushioning
Basketball players prefer maximum cushioning around their heels and ankles, mainly because they are running so much.
Long socks are important because so basketball players don’t easily slide when they stop abruptly. Socks that achieve an optimal level of flexibility and cushioning around the foot and ankle is absolutely beneficial. For example, Lebron James whose had a huge influence on placement of NikeGrip on the NBA NikeGrip Quick and Power Crew socks, says “It’s important that I don’t slide in my shoes. I need traction for cutting and jumping.” via SGB Media
The material of the socks also play an important role in the cushioning. It’s so important that the NBA partnered with Nike Designers to make the thick and super-cushioned NBA NikeGrip Power Crew sock, and the lightweight with medium cushion NBA NikeGrip Quick Crew sock. Both are made with NikeGrip yarns (ultrafine polyester fibers twisted with traditional fibers to increase the sock’s surface area) for anti-slip traction and zoned cushioning that protects and vents.
History of Socks in Basketball
Long socks have a long history in basketball.
The Original Celtics began wearing longs socks.
George Mikan and the Minneapolis Lakers dominated the young NBA in loose-fitting, baggy socks.
The Tube Sock, which used the extra surface area of baggy socks to cover player’s shin bones, was introduced with Michael Cooper leading the way.
The ankle sock became popular.
Socks with all types of colors became popular.
Why Do NBA Players Wear Double Socks?
There are professional basketball players out there wearing two pairs for extra thickness. For basketball, it’s best to use thicker socks because players are shuffling their feet and moving side to side on the court.
There are some basketball players that wear long socks for fashion purposes. Today there are all different types of socks, which includes compression socks. Most basketball players ultimately wear socks to improve their performance, for support and stability, and maximum comfort and cushioning.
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